It belongs to an Austrian fishing club, and the rules are pretty strict. Flies only, no streamers, and no large hooks. (I forgot the exact size.) About 5 of us met at a Gas station outside of town where we purchased our day licenses and some beer and lunch, and we made our way to the lake. Trout were pretty visible, but there were few rises. Nonetheless, we all started out with dry flies, and after an hour or so of nothing I switched to a nymph and hooked a 32cm trout. It was the first time I’d tried out my new Sage Fli 6 weight, and this was a fitting debut fish.

I hooked but lost another one shortly thereafter, had some lunch, and called it a day after no one caught any fish for a few hours. I found out later that there was evening rise, and everyone else caught multiple fish, but as a new father, my fishing days have been limited to mornings lately. As always, I’m just happy to be out fishing, even if it is for a just a few hours.