
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Gear Review : Western Visions Lanyard


I've been wanting to try a lanyard for a while, and bugged my wife to make me one to no avail for the better part of a year. Which is probably a good thing, because neither one of us knows what a lanyard needs to make it function as a lanyard should. Fortunately, I won a lanyard from Western Visions Lanyards in a contest a few weeks ago, and my wife is now at peace. First things first, it's got beads. Lots of beads. Bone beads, wood beads, fire agate beads. I like the way it looks, but some might prefer something a bit more understated. I can't help but feel a little like Flavor Flav while I'm on the river, but that's more a function of wearing a lanyard full of tools than it is the choice of materials. Speaking of materials, this lanyard is very well made, thoughtfully laid out, and beautifully designed. They feature a foam tube that sits behind your neck for comfort, a net holder, a safety breakaway connector, tipper holder, 4 strong snap snivels, and clips at the front and back for attaching the lanyard to your shirt. (The one on the back allows the weight of a net to hang from your shirt, while the clip at the front prevents the lanyard from flailing all over the place.) The design is practical and well thought out. 

I've used it a few times now, and I find that it really shines on those short trips when you just want to grab the bare essentials and head out the door with a minimum of fuss. I'm lucky enough to live a few hundred feet from a trout stream, and when dinner is on the stove and my wife graciously gives me 30 minutes to fish the evening rise, having this lanyard loaded and ready to go on a hook in the garage means more time on the river, and that's never a bad thing.



The website has a large variety of one of a kind lanyards for sale, and if you're after a specific color scheme to match a rod, reel, or a set of grillz, they'll work with you to make your custom lanyard. I'm a sucker for unique items, and I like knowing that no one else out there has this exact lanyard, and every single one is handmade and one of a kind. I didn't get to pick the color, but I really ended up liking the color combination and choice of bead materials, and think it looks fantastic with my bamboo rod.



  1. Very good review of the Western Visions Lanyard. They are the Classiest of the lanyards out there right now, probably due to the beautiful bead work and that they are individually custom. Between your review and the one I wrote on my blog yesterday, we should have a bunch of folks thinking they need a good lanyard. Hope you saw my response to your comment on my blog and the fact that I added your link on my blog. Happy hookups, my friend!

  2. you mean a necklace, right? Like the girls wear.

    1. It's 2013, a gender binary approach to fly fishing is in the past. In fact, an English friend of mine, when he isn't busy anonymously commenting on blogs, wears lace panties when fishing. It doesn't help him any, he's still terrible, but who am I to judge.
