
Monday, March 16, 2015

Vanity on the water

It isn't every day that a professional photographer accompanies you to the water. (At least not for a flyfisherman of my caliber) So when my colleague Sven Burkhard was curious to see what flyfishing was all about after years of me not shutting up about it, I leapt at the chance to take him to my home river. I grabbed my favorite gear and headed down to the river to meet him early in the morning. He showed up with a backpack full of gear, and I lent him a spair pair of waders that were way too big for him. No matter, he didn't know enough about waders to notice or care. We stayed in one spot most of the time, as he wasn't used to wading, especially with an expensive camera and lens in his hands. The shots he ended up taking were awesome. It might have been smart of me not to bring a rod rigged up with a weighted streamer, it made casting nicely much more difficult.

He was almost as excited with the results as I was, and we'll be doing it later in the season, hopefully this time with a fish or two at the end of the line.

To see more of Sven's work, visit his website at


  1. Many thanks for your kind words! The Article was fun to read! Thanks for your time. :-)

  2. Oliver,

    Nice blog! I found you from the bamboo forum per a recent post. You shared one really good story of your cane from Sweetgrass and your few weeks spent with them. You were treated, as I'm sure they were. It's what it's about isn't it!!

    I have a very special friend who also fishes cane (Vladan M. aka "Musicars") and I'll send him the link to your blog too. I'm guessing you/he may have already met someplace. Great guy and shares your lust for fine glass.

    Thanks Oliver. A great read this morning.


    1. Jeremy thanks for the kind words! I'm glad you enjoyed reading and hope your buddy does too. :)
