

I've been fishing since I was old enough to hold a rod, but I first discovered fly fishing in my mid-twenties when I lived in California, where I either drove five hours north to fish the Owens River, or got up early to fish for surf perch, corbina, and leopard sharks in the surf or from my heavily modified kayak off the coast of Southern California. The ebb and flow of early adulthood deposited my wife and I in Switzerland some years later, and that's where we've been for the past eight years. I spent those years navigating the complex fishing regulations in Switzerland and struggling to find good places to fish, and when we bought an old house a few years ago it just happened to be in a small village bisected by an excellent trout stream, home waters in which I hope teach both my young daughter and son to flyfish.

As the title of the page suggests, I'm a hobbyist, not a professional, and I'm always striving to improve my skills when it comes to the things I love doing.

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